Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Playin Hooky

Don't you love a good day of playin hooky?!
By Friday morning of last week, Matt had already had 3 practices and a trip to TX. Needless to say,the boys and I had spent a lot of time together and needed a good ole day of fun, especially before the big night ahead of us. When we got in the car to go to school, we were already tired and I really had no desire to drive Jack to school and then go back to get him later. The words "Do you want to skip school today?" came out. And of course the answer to that was YES! We went to a garage sale, the park, and the library instead.
And then that night...The Moment We've Been Waiting For was finally released! This awesome drummer led us in worship. Oh, how I LOVE being led in worship by my husband!

Picture by James Egbert

Everyone dressed up in their "rockstar" drummer shirts, even baby Mo (thanks Laura!).
During the last song all the kids got to go up on stage and worship! Jack was asleep on the floor but Boston was dying to go. I helped him up there only to watch him try the entire song to work his way back to the drum set. By the end of the song, he was standing with Sean playing bass waiting patiently for the drummer to finish. He even got to go sign autographs with Daddy! What an amazing night...the Lord's blessing is upon the FDB and I can't wait to see what He has in store for them next!

1 comment:

  1. That is called a mental health day and everyone needs one once in a while!
