
Creation Lessons
-Wall Mural of each day (as you can see, Boston did some scribbling on our days)
**This works well if you split it up into 2 days a week!  Then you can get fun activities in with them and it's not overwhelming!**
- Day 1: Light & Darkness -Marco Polo
-Day 2: Water & Sky -Play in the rain or sprinkler, go to a water park
- Day 3: Dry Land & Plants- Go for a hike or a playground in the forest
-Day 4: Sun, Moon, Planets, Stars- Let the kids stay up late and look at the stars together on a blanket with hot chocolate!
-Day 5: Birds & Fish -Eat goldfish, go fishing, or go to the aquarium
-Day 6: Animals & People -Color pictures of animals or go to the zoo

Stephen the Martyr Lesson
-Color rock and write Acts 7 on it
-Have a watermelon fight, talk about Stephen’s stoning, and pray together

 2T tempra paint or 15 drops food coloring in 1/2 cup regular bubbles.

Tape a piece of paper to a fence, or between trees and blow bubbles at the paper.

½ cup baby shampoo
¾ cup water
¼ tsp salt

Combine ingredients!