Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I love Mother's Day. My husband truly knows how to make that day special! He let me sleep in til 9am....9am people!! It is unheard of for the mama of the 3 Vincent boys to get to sleep in past 6:30am. I then awoke to a beautiful pot of daisies being thrown in my face (literally) and the screaming of Happy Mother's Day. Jack gave me the sweetest tissue paper flower and card that he had been keeping a secret in his backpack. I was given a stern reminder on Friday to not enter the backpack all weekend long. Then Matty V made me a quiche and let us all eat in bed together. How great is that guy?

When I was growing up, my Daddy always did this incredible job of honoring my mother and reminding us of the sacrifices she made for us. Now that I am a mother myself, I realize little by little each day just what those sacrifices were. I am so thankful for her. She met us at church and then we spent the day together fabric shopping, workin on those dining room chairs, and eating carrot cake. I can't lie...there was more than one coffee break to catch up on the news of the week that we had to share with one another.

The day ended with a picnic made by Matt outside on the picnic table. My only request on Mother's Day is that I never have to cook....and that I did not today!

I am so grateful for the calling God has given me to raise these beautiful little boys. I look at Jack sometimes and I think how it could just be me and him loving Jesus and living life day to day. And then I look at Boston and little Moses and I see the amazing way that God loves me. He really, truly loves me. I have been blessed to marry an amazing man and have two more children. It's crazy to me...God takes broken, sinful girls like me and fulfills dreams...big dreams that could only come true because of his amazing grace.

What makes me wanna sing,
What makes me love my King,
It's your GRACE!

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