Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Silvercliff Ranch

Last week began with this...The FDB was playing Silvercliff Ranch for the Rockwall First Baptist Church Youth Group all week!
These were our digs..Yeah that's right, bunk beds...2 adults, 3 kids, 2 bunk beds...tons of fun!

My favorite part was putting these sweet little guys to bed each night. I hope that I can keep the image of them reading stories and eating snacks in this little bunk forever. It was such a sweet time for me.
Matt said he just loves his boys because this was their favorite part...they had 3 extra mattresses in the big community room that were the hit of the week. Caves, tunnels, cowboy hideouts, fires to put out in big buildings, a stage to perform on...the possibilities were endless.
Daddy played in the morning and evening. In between...

Here's the part that struck me in the middle of all of it. My husband was there using the gifts that God has given him to perform worship for high schoolers and show them who Jesus is and God was pouring out blessings on him and his family for it. It is so beautiful out there. We just soaked it up. Went on drives, fished, hit a couple of antique stores, played in the pool. We were so blessed by that experience. God is so good!

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