Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Family Vacation

Anybody who knows my husband, knows he is big on family time. He is the epitome of the word intentional. The family vacation is like the culmination of that for him each year. He does not care if we end up camping in the backyard, he is bound and determined to give his family a vacation each year. A time to reconnect, to pray together, to thank God for creating our family and talk about who God wants the Vincent Family to be. So after Silvercliff, we headed out to the mountains. A lot of Daddy's talks usually involve one of these...They always pray for God to bring them fish and then they spend hours out there fishing and talking together.And since according to all the boys, fishing is not for girls...they indulge me between the hours of 10am and 5pm(when the fish aren't biting) with activities and cheesy pictures like these...
And this is at the top of the pass, 11.000 feet up with a hungry 5 year old, a 2 year old who refused to put his shirt or shoes on, and a crying baby! They love me. Geez, I am a lucky lady to be surrounded by all those handsome fisherman.

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