Sunday, June 3, 2012

We aren't in Kansas (or the Springs) anymore...

One week in, we are finding that we really love being out of the city. I had mixed feelings at first, with Sunflower Market not being right down the street, almost all my girlfriends living in the Springs, and the first day we were here I had three appointments in the Springs and had to figure out not driving back and forth every time!  However, these things are outweighing all of that...

 A pond with ducks behind the library.  The library gives you free food for the ducks! 
The boys and some of their buddies at the pond
Jack wanted to go to the Farmer's Market.  We could walk there!  He rode his bike and I walked.  He was amazed when we went shopping afterwards that he could park his bike outside the little shops downtown.

Jack and his kettle corn from the Farmer's Market
The latest in log cabin building.  Apparently it has a restroom inside because little boys have been saying that they have been able to use it.  However, I am a little afraid to ask or enter in.

The lake is 5 minutes away instead of 45 minutes! 
 There is lots of wildlife (and bugs!)

Our favorite mentors, friends, and babysitters The Schwarz Boys are closer than before!
Caleb and Moses

Water Gun Fights have become all the rage!

So gross!  We are going to have to better explain how water gun fights work to Mo.

The ship the boys made to watch the rainstorm.  It was appropriately called The Dawn Treader.  According to Boston, there was also "dawn treasure."

1 comment:

  1. Love reading this!! I think this is going to be a sweet time of bonding for your little men and you! Love you girl... miss seeing you so much! Hosanna
