Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Jack's 1st Spiritual Birthday

Yesterday we celebrated Jack's Spiritual Birthday!  What is this you may ask?  It is a celebration of the day that he was baptized by his Daddy!  Of course we began the day with a water celebration because what would a baptism celebration be without water!

Jack requested that we all just spend the day together at home.  He wanted to play outside, ride his bike, watch a movie, and eat dinner and sundaes together.  So that is exactly what we did!  Daddy even got him a card and a new cross... a standard military issue cross (obviously a guy thing.)  

We are so proud of you sweet boy!  What an honor to celebrate what an amazing young man you are and who God is shaping you to be as you follow Him.  I love how when Daddy prayed last night he thanked God for all the ways that He has spoken to our family through you.  Your heart is so open to the Lord and I pray that it always will be.  We love you Jackson!


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  2. I am SO proud of this little guy!! His walk with the Lord is incredible and impacts so many people around him (he takes after his Mommy and Daddy).
