Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Adventure Begins...

About a year and a half ago, God started to press on our hearts that He wanted to take us on an adventure.  We weren't really sure what that meant but our hearts began to be very open and excited to whatever He had in store for our family.  The first step in the adventure was to sell our house. The home we bought 2 weeks before we got married, the home that Matt adopted Jack in, the home we welcomed two children in, and where our little family became oh so close in our 1,000 square feet over the past 4 years.  We worked all last summer to fix it up and get it ready to put on the market.  A year later we are here...

Drawers turned row boat during moving week

I needed to add this pic because this is Jack action face for the rowing.

First night in their basement bedroom.  All three boys are ecstatic to be in the same room and side by side!

Moving Day!

Remember those Schwarz boys?  Here they are on moving day, all the boys are eating pizza in the back of the truck.
 We close on the house tomorrow.  So what is the next part of the adventure you may ask?  WE WAIT.  God told us to wait.  Mama generously asked us if we would like to stay with her for a while as we wait on the Lord to tell us where He wants us to go.  We are all now in a 600 square foot space in her basement (which we think will bring us even closer than the 1000 square foot one :) and we are waiting for the Lord to give us direction.  And we honestly do not know what that looks like.  We hope it's a house in the forest for the boys to run and play and dig but it could be on the mission field in Africa, in another state that God calls us to with Matt's job, or on a farm in Texas but whatever it is we know that we get to go together and we know that the Lord will be leading us!

Boston on the trail today.  The little spec way in front is Jack on his bike.  

The Adventure Begins...


  1. Ummm, mission field in Africa????? Why did I not know about this possibility????
