Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Boston's 3rd Birthday

Boston is going to be 3 years old on Friday!  Since we will be packing and moving on Friday, we celebrated a little early. 
He had a Jake and the Neverland Pirates Party on Saturday.  A party which was planned entirely outdoors until the rain began 15 minutes in!   This made Captain Matt's treasure hunt a little harder than anticipated...

It ended up being very loud but great fun!!!  Isn't he handsome in his pirate get-up?  He even had a tattoo with my name on it. :)

We did make it outside for the pinata.

Then back inside for cake and ice cream!
That night he had his annual sleepover with his cousin, Grayson.  I am not gonna lie, it was hard to let him go.  I realized that to have a sleepover meant that he is growing up and can do big boy things now even without Mama.  I knew he was in wonderful hands, they even took him to the zoo!  This picture pretty much emptimizes Boston, he has such a sweet little heart and loves all of God's little creations.

Today we had our family celebration!!!
Boston's birthday breakfast request: pancakes

the park in the morning
 At lunch we had our tailgate birthday party with Grammy and Andma to watch the Thunderbirds!  After last year, we decided to make it an annual event!
Birthday Party!!!

Grammy's Birthday Present...this picture of us makes me so happy!

Matt put the little guys in the back of the suburban.  He called it the Texas Pack n Play...ahh, a man after my own heart.

This was Boston right after he saw the jets for the first time!  He was so excited!!!

Dancing in the kitchen

Activity of his choice for the night: Play-Doh with Daddy

One more birthday cupcake for our big 3 year old!

I love you dearly Boston boy!  You fill your nickname of The Boss perfectly but surprisingly on the other side of your strong will and stubbornness you have the sweetest spirit which is why the nickname we use most often use for you is Little Bird. 
You love to try to catch birds in the backyard by walking very slowly and bending down quietly to their level, you sneak into my room almost every morning about 4am "to snuggle", you began praying for baby sister months ago all on your own (we shall see about that one), you take care of Moses with such love and compassion, and you follow Jack around playing cowboys with such delight.  Tonight as Daddy prayed over your life and talked about the miracle of how you came to be, you leaned down, with your new little birthday bird that we got you in hand, and whispered that you wanted me to hold you in my lap.  I shall never grow tired of hearing those words sweet little bird.  We love you so much and pray God blesses you greatly in your 4th year of life!

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