Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day and an Announcement

Matty V did an amazing job this year for Mother's Day.  It was so wonderful and relaxing.  He got me a new kind of Blue Bell on Friday night (which I have been wanting for about 6 weeks but don't want to pay $7 for since no one has it for sale anymore)!  It was Coconut Fudge and delicious!  He and the boys made me breakfast in bed on Saturday.  I got to read my Bible and book and eat french toast in bed...perfect morning!
Yesterday, he was drumming so I headed to church with the boys.  They were so sweet and precious all morning telling me "Happy Mother's Day" and loving on me.  The sermon spoke right to my heart.  Hebrews 12:2 is our family verse, it's on a large piece of barnwood in our living room and we pray it over our boys every night.  I was so excited to hear a sermon on Hebrews 12 and from one of my favorite ladies! In the afternoon, I got some time to journal and read while everyone else took a long nap.  Then we had Chipotle, my favorite.  Here are my presents from the boys, they are quite the artists.
Happy Mother's Day to all you lovely mamas!

As for the announcement, which is perfect for my Mother's Day post.................

For those of you who haven't guessed by my growing butt and belly, we are pregnant!  We had our second ultrasound this morning so Matty V gave me permission to officially announce the news! As you can imagine, there have been a lot of emotions for each of us through this pregnancy but we are confident the Lord is walking beside us and that His hand is protecting our little one.  This morning was a huge blessing for both of us to see the baby's heartbeat and see how much it had grown from a couple weeks ago.
Thank you so much for all of you who have prayed for us during this season.  I will share more about what God is doing in our lives through this miracle and how we are healing in the weeks to come.  Let me just tell you this though...God and His timing is absolutely impeccable!  Thank you for journeying with us.


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! Yay!!!!!!! Congratulations! How exciting!!!!!!!!!

  2. Congratulations! You are such an encouragement to me!

  3. Yay - baby, baby! I love you!!
