Thursday, August 25, 2011

"You would be very ashamed if you knew what the experiences you call setbacks, upheavals, pointless disturbances, and tedious annoyances really are. You would realize that your complaints about them are nothing more nor less than blasphemies-though that never occurs to you. Nothing happens to you except by the will of God, and yet God's beloved children curse it because they do not know if for what it is." Caussade

I am learning this day by day right now. Our family has been in a season of setbacks and upheavals. This is what we have learned...we need to give thanks. After each upheaval, we have started giving thanks. We have started giving thanks together, as a family.
The boys planted grass on Saturday. Matt watered the ground at 2pm today and we gave thanks in prayer at 3pm. We went out at 4pm to find grass growing. Grass that Matt swears came up in 2 hours! The boys and I were jumping up and down we were so excited...excited about grass growing! Again, we gave thanks. The Lord is meeting us where we are. He is opening up doors. He is opening one door at a time and asking us to walk through it in faith and we are walking through each one trusting that He is going to open the next one.
I am learning so much more about this Lord that I love. When this year started, I began praying for God to awake my soul and sing. He is doing just that. I am falling in love with Him all over again...and so is my family.