Monday, August 8, 2011

Where did I leave off...

Ah yes, it was with the updates on the surgery and the broken arm. Let me just sum up the past couple weeks in a nutshell for you...crazy! It has felt like that whirlwind you go through when you bring a newborn home. You just go day to day going all day long until you fall in bed at night and get a couple hours of sleep before you wake up...does anyone know what I am talking about? But amidst it all there have been some really sweet moments...The library had a summer party! I love the library. It's completely free and provides weekly entertainment for my boys. And if that wasn't enough, they had a party, a totally free awesome party in the park. That's them posing with characters they don't even know (they thought they were superheros) and they have green hair. Did I say it was awesome yet?Tattoos too! What? At the library?And a water slide. YES!

There have also been some great end of summer playdates....

Poor Boss with a bag over his arm at the water parks. It hasn't even phased the kid, he has just worked around it, he's been using the cast as a shovel to dig dirt.

Have you met my landscapers? One has a tractor to help get all the weeds out of the gardens and the other has a gator to haul them off for me.
I just had to include this picture. My dear friend Laura, you have heard me talk about her, she's my treasure remember? She was saying how calm I was to let my 2 year old just walk around the water park with my camera. I seriously have been so exhausted I don't even think I realized he was doing it til she said something. But he did get this picture. It captures how I feel right Someone is watching out for me, walking with me every step of the way, lovingly holding my hand as I spin in my own little whirlwind.

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