Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Your Story

Ellen came up to me on Sunday and asked me if I was ready to meet with someone about miscarriage.  She said she would completely understand if I wasn't but there might be someone who my story could possibly help.  Wow, really?
I have already said how healing the Good Friday Service was for me.  If she would have asked me before then, I may have said no.  This happened two days later on Easter Sunday.  Again, no coincidence to me that it was also the day our fast ended.
Here's what that question means to me..."are you ready to let ME use your story yet?"  "Are you ready to come up out of the pain and let ME work through you?", "Can you see the beautiful work I have done through the loss and pain?"  Yes Lord, I think I can.

Now this is not the first time God has posed this question (usually through Ellen :)

"Are you ready to speak with a single mother about how hard that is and how to find ME amidst that?"

"There is someone who has a past (sexual addiction, drugs, drinking)...they aren't sure how to walk away and choose ME. Can you share your story?" 

"Can you meet with someone who is getting divorced and doesn't know if I can forgive them?"

"There is someone going through step-parent adoption who could use some advice..."

And let me just say that is super humbling to be asked to speak with women about the love of Jesus and how He can change your life, but it's also very revealing.  You have to be able to show how you messed up, all the mistakes you have made and even the ones you are still making.  You have to open your heart and share what a mess you are but how God continually makes that mess beautiful.  There's power in that.  Not just for the person you are sharing it with, but for you as well.  Each time I share my testimony, I remember that He is my Rescuer.  We have the words from He Came To The Rescue in our home, it is in a picture of us worshiping at our wedding.  That is truly what that day was for me.  I could never even begin to describe how God showered his love on me that day and gave me such redemption.  A single, divorced mom with a 3 year old and a very long past...I never would have thought He would do for me what He has done.  That's who God is though.  He came to my rescue and I want to be where He is.
 I called, You answered
And You came to my rescue
And I want to be where You are

In my life, be lifted high

In our world, be lifted high
In our love, be lifted high

  But for Him to be lifted high in my life, I have to share my story.  I have to humble myself and let Him be seen as The Mighty Rescuer.  Am I ready?  Yes Lord I think I am.  Are you?

"Everything that happens fits into a pattern for good, to those who love Me.  Even your mistakes and sins can be recycled into something good, through My transforming grace."  -Jesus Calling


  1. wow--that's all-just wow! I love you

  2. "You have to open your heart and share what a mess you are but how God continually makes that mess beautiful." - I just started crying when I read this, they are good tears. You AMAZE me every day, I am so glad He gave me you as a sister. You see and share His love with such clarity and certainty. You have taught us girls what it is means to be a woman after God's own heart. I love you.
