Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend

Let me just start with the fact that I LOVE EASTER!  Seriously, I may love it more than Christmas.  The Lord rescuing us and giving us life through His sacrifice, it's humbling and every year I grow more thankful.  This year, our Good Friday Service was amazing!  I had such a heavy heart Friday afternoon.  I was talking with one of my best friends about how sad I was and in such a hard place.  That service brought such healing to my heart...God released me of some of the chains I had been carrying around for a long time.  Chains I didn't even know were still there and some I knew were.  And that friend and I stood side by side with our hands high in the air worshiping.  Healing girls, really healing.  

This year's Easter Egg Hunt and Brunch for our fam and a couple close friends was so fun!

The boys worked on these place settings all week.  We bought little pink flowers and put them in miniature pots.  They watered them and placed them in the sun each day to keep them alive.

Here is the finished project!  

Our big ole Easter table
Yay for Fiestaware!!!

We made bunny chow for little favors.  Thanks for that recipe Hosanna!
 The Waffle Bar

Easter Egg Hunting

 And then my camera died for the rest of the hunt! Ugh.

Egg Coloring Saturday Night
I was really into Boston's Saturday Night Fever look.

Matt said he feels like I take pictures of the boys doing ordinary tasks all the time for the blog yet he gets left out.  Here is a picture of him making pizza!  You are so hot doing ordinary tasks baby.
 Easter Bunny
We came home Sunday after church to find signs made by the Easter Bunny.  Each boy had their own little trail to follow.

Jack's trail ended in a 10 Commandment plaque he has been wanting for his dresser. (And let me just preference these pictures with the fact that we went to Grammy's in between church and the house.  Jack had to change shirts, borrowing one out of Grammy's drawer. :)

Boston's Golden Egg

Boston's trail ended with the new Veggietales movie!

This guy was kinda over it and just wanted a nap.

Easter Bunny Loot
 Easter Dinner
We decided a couple years ago to have our big family Easter on Saturday and have our little family Easter on Sunday.  Matt and I are so, so grateful for all the Lord has done for us and how He has literally rescued us, we wanted to have a day to share our personal stories with the boys each year.  After cooking so much on Saturday, we decided to order food on Sunday so we could all just spend time together! Daddy read the story of Jesus' resurrection from the Bible while we ate.
 We broke our fast that morning together with a prayer and a piece of candy.  And that night, we had cake and ice cream.  The 5 candles represent the 5 birthday parties they went to during their fast where they didn't eat any cake and ice cream!  With the Easter Bunny, cake, and ice cream...let me just say we are okay on not eating sweets for a couple days now.

Also, on the last day of our fast (Saturday), the people buying our house wanted to see it one last time to make their final decision.  We found it to be absolutely no coincidence that it was on the last day of our fast and we all talked about that as a family and prayed for God to bless us.  We are happy to announce that He did!  The papers are signed and it's a go!  God is good.
Happy Easter!!!

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