Monday, September 26, 2011

Childlike Faith

Our band mama told me to read this book back in June when we went to camp...remember that? And then my friend Laura told me about it a couple weeks later. I waited months for it to come into the library...and it was worth every minute of waiting!

One of my favorite parts about being a children's pastor was hearing the stories that parents would tell me of the ways that their children heard from the Lord. I would hear the coolest stories of dreams children had, predictions they made that came true because according to them the Lord told them it would, things the children said that they couldn't possibly have known, and people who had passed on that these children had then seen as clear as day but their parents couldn't. The question I remember receiving more than once was...what do you think about that?
Let me tell you...I absolutely believe those things happen! I truly believe that the heart of a child is so pure and so innocent, not yet feeling the effects of The Fall that they can hear from the Lord in a way that we can't. They have nothing standing in their way, nothing keeping them from His love and His heart. Think of the things that the Lord could share with us if our faith was like that. Unwavering, thankful, and joyful to spend each day with Him...without doubt, bitterness, or complaint. Have childlike faith today...know that He loves you with reckless abandon and He will show it to you if you have faith He will!

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