Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Little House

My dear friend Sarah told me a couple months ago about how her mother would read her and her siblings books at lunch time when they were kids and how much she loved it. I thought it was an awesome idea and could create such a special time...but I have 3 little rambunctious boys so I wasn't so sure how it would go. And there is only one picture per chapter in big boy books!
We checked this book out from the library this week and I set about at lunch time to read at least half a chapter. Today after reading, they wanted to set up a campsite and play Little House on the Prairie complete with Pa (Jack), Ma (myself), and baby Carrie (Boston) instead of have their TV time. God is just meeting me where I am right now, I tell ya.


  1. Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end :)

    Being a mom was and is one of God's best gifts!

    from Sarah's mom :)

  2. this is so cool! i can't wait to start reading those to my kiddos :)

  3. Nadine, you sound just like my mama! Thank you for such a wonderful idea.
