Thursday, January 19, 2012

Never Once

Never once
Did we ever walk alone
Never once
Did you ever leave us on our own
You are faithful
God, you are faithful

I can honestly say that never once have we walked alone this past week.  I can not even begin to explain how loved we have felt as we have walked through the events of the past 10 days.  It has been the hardest of our lives but God has shown up...and not only has He shown up, He has shown off.  I am still not at a place to talk about everything but I feel like I can share a few things from my praise journal with you to show how great of a God I serve.   

-We spent the two weeks before we lost our little one grieving with two of our best friends who had just miscarried their first baby.  We prayed with them, we cried with them, and we praised God with them.  God completely prepared our hearts for such a loss.  And He prepared their hearts to walk through it every step of the way with us.
-I got an email from someone letting me know that our family had been very heavily laid upon their hearts and they had been praying for us (before they knew what had happened)...this happened more than once
-God told me the name of this baby two weeks before I found out I was pregnant.  The night after we found out he was gone, someone brought us a meal and a gift.  The gift had that name on it.  Matt and I had never shared the name with anyone. 
Those kinds of things don't just happen, they are ordained.  Last week started with such sadness and it ended in sadness.  But at the end of the week I have three beautiful healthy boys, a loving family, and some AMAZING sisters (biological, in-law, and in Christ).  I have a husband who put his arm around my waist, my hand in his, and danced with me in the middle of the recovery room as I wept...wept on his strong shoulder.   And most of all, I have a Lord who keeps showing up. I don't know the whys and I don't think I will ever know that, but I do know that there is a little boy in heaven that I will get to meet one day and he had a calling placed on his life that I am left on earth to fulfill.
Thank you for for all of your gifts, your encouraging words, and most of all your prayers...God is hearing you and He is showing up.  Never once will He leave us on our own.

1 comment:

  1. this is beautiful trish. so thankful that He's showing up for you in this.
    much love
