Tuesday, October 25, 2011

It will not return void...

John Wesley said: “I learned more about Christianity from my mother than from all the theologians in England.” This is not easy, being a mother, and it is a vocation, a calling, and God’s Word, it will not return void. - Ann Voskamp

We have been having lots of fights, late night crying, wrestling matches, running up and down the halls (there is a no running policy in the house), and crying over who hit who in this house. It's like they are reacting to cold weather afoot...

But there has also been Scripture cards together, reading library books, strawberry smoothies and homework, reading about our hero of the month Moses, laughter, praying, the last 100 pages of Little House on the Prairie (it's 330 pages apparently) and smiles. Thank you Lord for showing up...it will not return void.


  1. so grateful that in seasons that "seem" like little good is happening, we can still find the good and be reminded that our work and love does not return void. Amen!

  2. Awesome! Keep up the good work my friend!
