Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Baking with Boston

Boston favorite thing to do together is bake. Whenever I need a partner in the kitchen, he's my man. We also do some dancing in there, but that's another story. Here's the thing about it takes a lot of patience to cook with a 2 year old. A. LOT.OF. PATIENCE. But pumpkin is in the stores again and apples are on sale so there is a ton of baking and freezing happening in this house. And today was our official baking day of the week so we started bright and early.

Daddy was out of granola so our first thing on the agenda was to make him some more. Granola is pretty easy for Boston to help with...well unless he insists on adding items not in the recipe. He got out the bowl and we poured the 8 cups of oats in. As I was gathering the other items he began to pull his measuring cups and spoons out of the drawer. The opening of the door should have been my first clue that I needed to stay on top of things. I turn around to see him scooping flour into his measuring cup.

Mama: Now don't put the flour in the oats.
Boss: Why?
Mama: Because the recipe doesn't call for it and we don't need it in Daddy's granola.
Boss: Ok.

I go to get something else out of the cupboard, turn back around, and...1/2 cup of flour is in the granola.

Mama: Why did you put the flour in the granola?
Boss: I don't know.
Mama: Well now I have to scoop it out.

About two minutes later he is helping me put the sugar in. He puts the correct amount of sugar in and then decides to add some more.

Boss: I got to put it in, ok?
Mama: No we don't need that much.
Boss: Why?
Mama: The recipe doesn't call for it and it's just too much sugar.
Boss: Ok, but I got to put it in.
Mama: Let's not.

He then proceeds to dump more sugar in and stir it all around with his spoon. Now the spoon all together is exciting to him. Jack and Boss like to bake with the wooden spoon, the one labeled Mama's Spankin Spoon because to them there is something so remarkable about taking it out of it's context.

2 hours later I have a couple batches of granola, a double batch of peanut butter cookies, flour and butter all over the kitchen, a sink full of dishes (this is with a house on the market that is supposed to stay clean all the time, yeah ok)...but I have one happy 2 year old and some cookie dough to eat off of beaters. Well worth it.

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