Monday, August 13, 2012

True Story

You know how sometimes things happen that are so unbelievable that you have to preface it with, TRUE STORY!  It actually happened.  Well our lives are getting to the point that I think I should just start prefacing every story that way.  Some are really awesome stories and some are really sad and hard ones but the Lord is in all of them and they are TRUE STORIES.
We have some A.M.A.Z.I.N.G friends who offered to give our family a vacation this year.  TRUE STORY.  After all we have been through, they wanted to provide us with some time away to be together.  And since we have said that we connect with our family and the Lord the most outside in His creation, they let us borrow their camper for the weekend. TRUE STORY. We headed up to 11 Mile Reservoir.
If you haven't seen Matty V's new truck, here it is.  My Daddy blessed him with that and I quote, "because he is such a good man and father and he remembers what life was like with a wife who stayed at home with 3 small children, there were more kids coming in than there is money to go around."  TRUE STORY.

Moses and I had an awesome hike.  It was so beautiful up there.  He got a great ride and I had a powerful time with the Lord in this beautiful valley about 1/4 mile past the lake.

Setting up

Inside the camper.  The boys thought it was the most awesome thing ever!

We played lots of games.

Boss gets serious about his Connect 4 strategy

We camped over the fire, John Wayne style.

There was a set of big rocks behind the campsite which is pretty much where these guys stayed the whole time we were are the camper.  They played Davy Crockett and Daniel Boone.  And some kid before them had left tons of small army men in the rocks so it was a great treasure hunt too!

 Fishing with Daddy is everyone's favorite thing to do.  
Last year Moses wasn't even big enough to stand!  

They are getting so big so fast my little fishermen!

He's standing and running now on this vacation, our little MoMose.

We had a great time for the first day and a half.  We hiked, fished, played outside, cooked like cowboys!  Then, I started to have chest pains. TRUE STORY.    We waited and waited and it didn’t go away.  We packed up and headed back Saturday night thinking that maybe getting to lower altitude would help.  I got worse and worse and it went into my arm.  Matt called 911 and guess what I got to ride back to the Springs in? 
An ambulance carried me from Divide down to the Springs.  We stayed in the ER til about 1 in the morning only to find out that my heart is fine.  It’s still going on.  We have no idea what it is.  We did get test results back last week about my blood levels from losing John Marshall.  There are some things that have to be further investigated from those.  However, from the information we have been given none of that should be affecting my heart.  All of that to say, I am also having panic attacks due to everything that has happened this year.  And according to my FAB 5 (that's what I like to call my five girlfriends who know my deepest darkest secrets and love me anyway) I need to relax, breathe deep, and wait for God's grace, peace, and mercy to sweep over me.  So when each of them said a version of that yesterday I realized that the anxiety and stress of this year has compiled into this huge lump in my chest.  It is all another part of the lesson in which God keeps teaching me over and over…WAIT and I AM IN CONTROL. The Lord is pursuing my heart to rest in Him.  Lord, may I submit and learn the lesson.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  Philippians 4:6-7


  1. Oh my word. I'm thankful the chest pain wasn't serious! Will pray for continued healing.

  2. So sorry you are dealing with so many traumatic events. This post truly shows some extreme highs and extreme lows that are part of life. It reminds me of one of my favorite books, "Bittersweet". Along with the bitter, comes the sweet. I am praying for more of the sweet for your family during this time of seeking the Lord.

    Miss you!
